man using secure network

Compliance Coverage and Guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS)

SolidSupport has the strongest security and compliance credentials in the industry. We have always been dedicated to building and managing highly available (HA) solutions backed by multi-site disaster recovery and persistent testing. These are standard SolidSupport services that all healthcare-focused providers should offer.

The following sections describe the overall strategies and coverage we provide our customers to ensure the integrity and security of their data. For specific issues and requirements, feel free to contact our SolidSupport Engineering Development department for a detailed discussion of security controls and risk acceptance considerations.

fedramp logo
High Impact Level Systems can be placed on a SolidSupport platform. Currently, FedRAMP only applies to cloud computing systems at the FISMA low and moderate impact levels, however, SolidSupport already meets many of the NIST 800-53 High controls and has developed the SolidSupport FISMA-High workbook for our customers who are looking to expand on the NIST Moderate baseline to build FISMA-High applications and services to support their critical workloads.

SolidSupport & FedRAMP

FedRamp ready systems that have addressed the FedRAMP security controls (based on NIST SP 800-53). We use the required FedRAMP templates for the security packages posted in the secure FedRAMP Repository, and have been assessed by our internal compliance officer and maintain continuous monitoring requirements of FedRAMP.
  • US Austin: Joint Authorization Board Provisional Authority-To- Operate (JAB P-ATO) and multiple Agency Authorizations (A-ATO) for high impact level.
  • US New York: Joint Authorization Board Provisional Authority-To- Operate (JAB P-ATO) and multiple Agency Authorizations (A-ATO) for moderate impact level.
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HIPAA isn't about checking a series of boxes. It's about measuring and managing risk through continuous assessment, evaluation, response, and reporting of threats to protected personal health information (PHI) -- including the threat of downtime and/or data loss. That's why leading healthcare organizations rely on the rigorous compliance management services that SolidSupport provides through our HIPAA Compliance as a Service.

SolidSupport & HIPAA

  • SolidSupport Compliance Risk Assessment: Compliance Risk Assessment for HIPAA Compliance is conducted according to the HIPAA Security Rule 45 CFR 164.308(a) (1) and 45 CFR 164 308(a) (8). It meets HIPAA compliance requirements for covered entities (CEs) and their business associates (BAs).
  • SolidSupport 100% Audit Assurance: Having completed more than 400 customer security assessments at a 100% pass rate, SolidSupport is one of the few cloud service providers to offer 100% Audit Assurance. SolidSupport guarantees that certain compliance services provided to our customers will be able to pass assessments for several industry standard security frameworks and regulatory obligations for their hosted environments. In the event that those services become an impediment to compliance, SolidSupport will resolve the gap at our own expense, or release the customer from its contract with no penalty, and also issue the customer a refund (up to one month's service).
  • Comprehensive Business Associate Agreements (BAAs): The SolidSupport BAA outlines each party's rights and obligations with regards to safeguarding PHI. Healthcare customers obtain the legal protections for HIPAA compliance without the administrative hassles they might otherwise experience with other cloud hosting providers that take place during BAA negotiations.
  • SolidSupport HIPAA Compliant HealthCare Cloud Hosting and Managed Services: SolidSupport data centers, employees, procedures, processes, and policies, meet the HIPAA Administrative Safeguards (45 C.F.R. 164.308) and Physical Safeguards (45 C.F.R. 164.310) applicable to HIPAA Business Associates. Furthermore, our HIPAA Compliant Cloud SolidSupport and Managed Services assist SolidSupport customers to address the HIPAA Technical Safeguards (45 C.F.R. 164.312).
hitech act logo
The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, provides incentives to promote the correct implementation and use of health information technology. In addition to the proposed benefits, Subtitle D of the HITECH Act presents the rules and regulations concerning rigid enforcement of the civil and criminal aspects of the HIPAA rules. These include issues related to the security and privacy of any health or health-related information that is transmitted through or across any electronic medium. As a leader in the field, SolidSupport has a solid history of full compliance with the fundamental features in the act, its conditions, and its requirements.

SolidSupport & HITECH

Industry Regulatory Compliance

Due to the critical and sensitive nature of health services, Federal and other regulatory compliance are a mainstay of the SolidSupport promise to safeguard all health and personal data with comprehensive compliance coverage.


Money back service guarantee

SolidSupport is proud of its service support record, and we stand by our name and reputation. In the off-chance that you are not fully satisfied with the service you receive, we will offer you a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
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SolidSupport covers the following certification levels and types:

  • ADVA Certified Expert
  • Enterprise Routing and Switching, Specialist (JNCIS-ENT)
  • Junos, Associate (JNCIA-Junos)
  • Mirantis Certified Administrator for OpenStack Professional Level (MCA200)
  • Vmware
    • Vmware VTSP-NV
    • Vmware VTSP-MO
    • Vmware VSP